Hunting Kind In The News


Hunting community take legal action to become a Protected minority group.
They have good chance of obtaining the same status as Gypsies and LGBT people, campaigners say writes Hayley Dixon in the Telegraph.

Pro foxhunting group says UK hunters should be protected ethnic minority. Chair of Hunting Kind says he has built legal case to obtain same protection as Roma and LGBTQ+ people writes Matthew Weaver in the Guardian.

Rural Britons are victims of the tyranny of the urban majority. The Hunting Act infringes on the human rights of a sizeable minority – and has demonstrably failed the fox writes Jamie Blackett in the Telegraph

(not behind the paywall)

Some animal rights groups belong on MI5’s watch list -fox hunters must be a protected minority.

Former Army captain Ed Swales says it should be illegal to discriminate against those who are pro-hunt – and he’s prepared to go to court writes Abigail Buchanan in the Telegraph.

‘Interesting Announcement’

The BHSA is currently only campaigning against further changes to the laws affecting legal forms of hunting


The BHSA’s clear policy is to prove that  both trail hunting and exempt hunting are legal, legitimate and well regulated activities. With the HSRA, which was set up as the regulatory body for trail and exempt hunting and has proven to be robust and effective, we will continue to ensure that all accredited packs operate to the highest standards.


While the BHSA believes that the 2004 Hunting Act has been detrimental to wildlife and fails on environmental grounds, we are not currently campaigning for a change in the law governing trail hunting and exempt hunting because they are both properly conducted sports that operate well within the law .

Fox hunters 'should be protected under equality laws' like Roma and LGBTQ+ people, campaign group claims as it seeks legal protection for those who have pro-hunting views writes Colin Fernandez for the Daily Mail.

In a bid to gain protected status under the Equality Act 2010, fox hunters are mounting a legal challenge.

Fox Hunting campaigners say they deserve the same protection as minority groups because of the discrimination they encounter.

Trisha Goddard speaks to Rupert Bell and Lyn Sawyer.

Stephen Nolan talks to Ed Swales and a representative from PETA.

Chris Packham has ‘common enemy’ written through him like seaside rock, both in politics and language. Now, Ed Swales has weaponised Packham against himself.

Might Hunters and Hawkers be a protected group under the Equality Act writes Charlie Jacoby of the Fieldsports Chanel?

Opportunity for Hunting Kind supporters to sign up to receive a 40% discount for an annual subscription to Scribehound

Will Sir Keir Starmer, that great-grandson of a gamekeeper, learn from Blair's error and avoid turning the countryside against his new government over field sports?


Perhaps. The minister responsible, Steve Reed, recently told a conference that Labour would not tell people who live and work in the countryside how to live their lives.


Really? We shall see.

One of the charges relates to the hacking of TiHUK’s email address.

Hound Blessing

Trans. "Fer those as cant spek proper! "

You will be a good hound and true to your Master

You wont worry Hens, nor Duck, Nor Geese or anything else with feathers on it.

You wont run cat, nor cows, nor sheep.

But you will run a fox for as long as your legs Carry you,

You will Keep your nose cold and your tail high

You wont go messing with curs and other low bred dogs

And I name you —————-

May you be a credit to your Mother and Father And all owning you.


Watch video of Puppy “christening” at the Penine Puppy Show Below

HK section 2

I believe natural hunting could be legalised but we need to reject the failed strategies of the past and adopt Hunting Kind's fresh approach writes Jamie Blackett in Scribehound.


Hunting Kind's direct and undeviating message on the cultural heritage of natural hunting is gaining momentum

The chair of Hunting Kind says those who hunt foxes should be afforded the same protection as Roma and LGBTQ+ people. writes TLE in The London Economic

Pity poor foxhunters. They only want to see an animal torn apart writes Deborah Ross in the Times

The Scottish Government has been told it must act urgently after an animal charity said it has found fresh evidence of a loophole in fox hunting laws that it claims could allow mounted hunting to continue in  Scotland writes Mark McDougall in The Herald

The League Against Cruel Sports has written to SNP ministers over claims a mounted hunt may have exploited a new licensing scheme to continue the blood sport writes Dan Vevers in the Daily Record

Jamie Blackett’s response to Tim Bonner’s letter in the Telegraph last week about his article

Hares are incredibly agile and can run up to speeds of 60 km per hour. If a wolf pack is not going to go hungry, they will need to hunt as a unit.

Watch the hunt from 1:16

DNA analysis is helping to eradicate American mink which have no natural predator in the UK and wreak havoc on other species writes Katy Prickett For BBC News, Cambridgeshire

Albrighton and Woodland Hunt was issued a Community Protection Warning for conduct including the killing of a muntjac deer and a fox writes

Eleanor Lawson for BBC News, West Midlands

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What do hunting and LGBTQ+ have in common? Tune in to Ed Swales from Hunting Kind to find out more......


Fox hunters in the UK want protected status under discrimination law. A lobbying group is preparing a bid to define hunting with animals as a protected belief. Many experts have questions writes Amelia Nierenberg in the New York Times


Hunting Kind says that fox hunters should count as an ethnic group under the Equality Act, but it wouldn’t give them the right to hunt foxes


A legal analysis commissioned by the CIC German Delegation reveals that national trophy import bans in EU countries like Belgium, Finland, France, and the Netherlands are in violation of EU law.


Protesters threw red liquid over the Queen Victoria memorial outside Buckingham Palace and let off flares. The five activists from Animal Rebellion, an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion, denied the charges but were convicted by the jury of causing £7,080 worth of damage to the memorial.

Judge Gregory Perrins bailed them ahead of sentencing October 18 writes Olivia Christie in the Mail


The large group of hunt saboteurs who disrupted a grouse shoot at the Wemmergill Estate on 12th August boasted of being paid £200 each to aggravate guests and incite violence, according to an eyewitness.